
Sunday, November 01, 2009

A fun award!

My awesome blogging friend and Color Throwdown team mate, Tammy Hershberger recieved this award from a blogging friend and sent it on to me. Here are my answers. Thanks, Tammy, it was fun!

The Rules are:
1. You can only use ONE word!!!
2. Pass this along to 5 of your favorite bloggers!
3. Alert them that you have given them this award!
4. HAVE FUN!!!
Just ONE word...let's see if I can do it!

1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your hair? messy
3. Your mother? gone
4. Your father? gone
5. Your fave food? steak
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your fave drink? Coke
8. Your dream/goal? retirement
9. What room are you in? office
10. Your hobby? papercrafts
11. Your fear? fire
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? retired
13. Where you were last night? shopping
14. Something that you aren't? thin
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. Wish List Item? retirement
17. Where did you grow up? Tidewater
18. Last thing you did? breakfast
19. What are you wearing? sweats
20. Your TV? dusty
21. Your Pets? fun
22. Friends? many
23. Your Life? busy
24. Your Mood? happy
25. Missing Someone? parents
26. Vehicle? Honda
27. Something your not wearing? jewelry
28. Your fave store? Michaels
29. Your fave color? green
30. Last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? weeks
32. Your best friend? hubby
33. One place that I go to over and over? work
34. One person who emails regularly? Tammy
35. Fave place to eat? Tripps
36. Facebook? sorta

I'm supposed to pass this on to five of my favorite bloggers. So, here they are:

1. Frances
2. Stacy
3. Mercy
4. Cindy
5. Silke


  1. Oh Barb you are so deserving of this award, I love visiting your blog. --
    thanks for thinking of me you are so sweet.

  2. I see we both would like to be retired, but then who wouldn't!

  3. How do I pass this along? I think this is real cute.


  4. Oh you are so sweet, thank you for the award! Hugs...


Thank you for your kind comments--they make my day and I appreciate every one!