
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A Little Halloween Fun - FTTC #87

It is time for Flourishes Timeless Tuesday Challenge (FTTC87)! This week Cindy Haffner is hosting. She is challenging us to a sketch she has designed. As far as sketches go, there is not much of an explanation necessary. You can turn it and modify the shapes to fit your size card, but in the end, it should still look like the sketch. Good Luck! We cannot wait to see what you create with it!

I'm using a new set for my card, Witching You a Happy Halloween. It's a vintage Halloween set and it's fabulous! I totally love it! I stamped the images on Classic Ivory Card Stock and colored the pumpkin with Copic markers, then cut it out and popped it up on Pop Dots. Love this sketch--I'll be using it again and again!

Now, be sure to go see how my team mates used the sketch! Thanks for stopping by!

Stamps: Witching You a Happy Halloween (Flourishes)
Paper: Classic Ivory card stock (Flourishes); Basic Black, Kraft (SU!); Hallowe'en In Wonderland 8 x 8 pad (Graphic 45)
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black; Antique Linen Distress Ink (Ranger)
Accessories/tools: twill, Pop Dots (craft store); buttons/twine (PTI); sewing machine; circle punches (E K Success); border punch (Martha Stewart)


  1. Oh this makes me ready for fall! Love the papers and sweet pumpkin. :)

  2. Heya! nice blog, i really love it..

    thanks fro sharing!!

  3. Love this Bar! I think that little vintage pumpkin is the BEST, especially with those papers!

  4. Oooooh this is fantastic, Barbara!! Love the rich colors and beautiful details! Wonderful border too!

  5. OK, you know me and my HATE of all things Alice in Wonderland... ESPECIALLY this CREEPY PAPER... I am SO glad you used the FLIP side though... it's SO pretty with this card... and I woulda put money down that this was a STICKER punkin... of course knowing YOU and your talent, I woulda gone in knowing I'd be losing! LOL

    A-Friggin-Mazing!!!! You NEVER cease to amaze me!!!!!

  6. WOW! Fantastic and the pattern dp with stitch detailing is so rich, Bar! Awesome card! I think I need that paper!

  7. Super cute and with a touch of Barb's elegance!!! Fab card for Halloween!!! Hugs ~S~

  8. Love Love LOVIN' the rich colors on this! Uh huh!!

  9. Barbara, this is soooo pretty! Gorgeous fall card.
    Hugs and smiles

  10. Too cute!! I love that ribbon you used it is one of my favorite ribbons it's so easy to tie.


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