
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Christmas Pursuits Challenge - Christmas Trees, The Final Chapter

Are you thoroughly sick of my trees yet? Well, I'm not, LOL, I love them! I ended up making a 5 1/2" one and one 7" tall for a total of 5 trees. I stocked up on Prisma glitter and got them finished, so I can stick a fork in the paper tree project, it's DONE! They can now be packed away until Christmas, 2011. Here they are in all their glittery glory.

It's SUCH a good feeling to get these done early (can I consider it early if they were for a project from *last* year? Hmmm. Whatever ;-)) and marked off my list--I feel so virtuous ;-)

Now for next week's challenge. I have several sets of resin letters spelling words that I've covered with scrapbook paper. For the most part I've just left them un-embellished but have been planning to go back and dress them up a bit, some of them for two years! How sad is that? My challenge to myself for next week is to get JOY embellished up all fancy-like :)

Thanks for stopping by - see you next week!


  1. I am NOT SICK of your trees, Bar! They are so beautiful!!!

  2. These are so pretty! I'll be making some of these next year!

  3. Your trees turned out beautifully. I'm working on a project that may take several more weeks to finish but I'll be SO glad not to stress out over this come later this year. Keep the ideas flowing! I'm loving seeing what you are doing!

  4. Those look awesome, girlfriend! I can't wait to see the letters next week!

  5. Beautiful....can't wait to see the JOY you're making me want to go to Mike's!!!

  6. Love the trees. Your Christmas Challenge just may inspire me to complete some of those items I had on my 'to do' list that never got started or finished. TFS!


Thank you for your kind comments--they make my day and I appreciate every one!