
Friday, January 14, 2011

FTTC100 - Let's Go To the Hop!

That's right! The Flourishes Timeless Tuesday Challenge is turning 100! And to celebrate, we're having a blog hop challenge. In case you didn't see it, the challenge was posted as usual on Tuesday, but the DT is adding their cards and joining in the hop today! There are prizes to be won so be sure and check out the details here on the Flourishes blog. You have until midnight tonight, Friday, January 14th to enter your card in the hop. So let's get stampin'!

And here's my card. The challenge is All About Favorites! Use your choice of one or all of your favorite stamps, papers, colors, technique, and embellishments!  Just list in your write up the favorites you chose to use in your card or project.

Well, there's no way I could add *all* my favorites but I tried to pack as many on this card as possible :) Let's see, some of my favorite things for card making are twill and twine, buttons and bows, stitching and sponging, flowers and flat backed pearls, coloring and sentiments, masking and matting. And all of these are on this card.

I masked the images from the From the Garden stamp set on Flourishes Classic White paper and colored them with Copic markers and Prismacolor pencils. Then I cut it out with a Petite Oval Nestabilities die, sponged the edges with Antique Linen Distress Ink (temporarily out of stock), and matted it. The sentiment was stamped on more Classic White, punched out and backed with another punch-out from patterned paper. The patterned paper I'm using is my new fave: Curio by Basic Grey. Base card is Flourishes Classic Ivory card stock. I finished it off with some flat back pearls and the popped up sentiment, also from the set.

And here are the Copics I used - yeah, I used a ton of 'em!

Thanks SO much for stopping by! I hope you'll head on over to the Flourishes blog and enter the hop with us!

Stamps: From the Garden (Flourishes)
Paper: Classic White, Classic Ivory (Flourishes); Soft Suede (SU!); Curio 6 x 6 pad (Basic Grey)
Ink: Memento Rich Cocoa; Antique Linen Distress Ink (Ranger)
Accessories/tools: Cuttlebug (Provocraft); Petite Oval Nestabilities dies (Spellbinders); Copic markers, flat back pearls (Flourishes); sewing machine; oval punch (SU!); twill; button, twine (PTI)


  1. This is just lovely, your colouring is amazing. Pami x

  2. Barbara, what a beautiful card....all your elements are perfect and look so great together. I love Flourishes and this image is divine, especially since with all this cold and snow I am having a bad case of Spring fever. Enjoy looking at your blog and your lovely creations. Tfs.

  3. Wow, Barbara, you really did put everything into this card! It's so pretty! Love the coloring on the flowers!

  4. Barbara, this stunning! I look forward to planting some annuals in my terra cotta pots. I love how you masked to combine the images. Beautiful coloring as always. This card is going in my inspiration file.

  5. Oh, Bar. This is so beautiful!! It's such a nice reminder of what a beautiful scene you can create with masking. WOW! I am so happy that I have this set on the way. I couldn't resist that geranium image. Putting this one in the inspiration file for sure. Ya, so I have this BIG file and it's full of designs by Bar! HA!!! And you've also convinced me I need to get some oval nesties!

  6. WOW! Look at this gorgeous arrangment and coloring! Stunning and beautiful, Barbara! Lovely card! Soon these potted plants will be blooming in our chilled area!

  7. I LOVE your card! I can almost smell the dirt in the pots of those plants you have colored so beautifully.

  8. I LOVE this card! Everything about it is beautiful.

  9. This card is AWESOME! Now...when will you be scheduling a Copic class for us? Your coloring is wonderful.

  10. So fresh and pretty!! Beautifully colored!

  11. hello barbara i have seen your card on flourisch what a gorgeous card
    i have take a look on your blog its realy amazing!!!! i became i follower!!
    sorry for my bad englisch!!
    xx petra

  12. What a wonderful and stunning card!! Beautiful!!

  13. Wow- this is gorgeous! Your stunning coloring MAKES this card!

  14. Oh my...that is just beautiful!

  15. This is super beautiful Barbara!! Amazing coloring and colors! Your detail is fabulous as always!

  16. I LOVE your card Barb! I am going to have to get this set.

  17. Barb, very pretty! I can almost smell their fragrance!

  18. Love the subdued colors, and the scene you put together! Beautiful card!

  19. Gorgeous card Barbara! Don't forget to the blog hop button n your post too!

  20. Wow! Just beautiful. You image is wonderful. Love all of the shading. The DP is gorgeous with the image and the stitching.

  21. What a fresh design Barbara! Gorgeous! I love your masking and coloring!

  22. This is really gorgeous. I really love the masking job you did... I haven't quite mastered that for this set yet! The arrangement is incredible.

  23. This is beautiful, Barbara! Pretty coloring, pretty bow, and fab layout!

  24. This card is wonderful. Makes me wish even more for spring and my terra cotta pots. Inspiring.

  25. Wow!! Love your card. Maybe because you did such an awesome job of coloring with those copics. Also because you love so many of the same things I do. Lovely!!

  26. Stunning Barbara!! Your coloring is fabulous!

  27. I would say that you knocked it out of the park. Gorgeous card!

  28. Beautiful coloring! I love your image and your color combination!

  29. SO awesome, Bar! LOVE how you did those flower pots... I have to give that a try! Absolutely gorgeous card!

  30. I love that card, you made a wonderful work!!
    I like the paper that you used, the ribbon with the bow and the button beautiful, and the image is gorgeous

  31. OMG...Barb!!! Your masking is how you used this Set and your coloring is always perfect!!! Gorgeous card my friend!!! Bigh hugs ~S~

  32. What a fabulous design...and gorgeous coloring...the flowers just POP!

  33. This trio of potted plants is absolutely gorgeous!! I think this is my favorite card of the hop. :)

  34. You did a beautiful job of

  35. Wow, you really did use a lot of Copics! The colouring is gorgeous!!

  36. I'd give it a 10....picture perfect! It's a very delightful card!

  37. This is amazing! Beautifully done, as usual!

  38. AMAZING card! Gorgeous coloring.
    Hugs and smiles

  39. I'm a little late, but I just had to come and say how much I LOVE this one! Curio is one of my new favorite papers. Gorgeous card, Barbara!


Thank you for your kind comments--they make my day and I appreciate every one!