
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

MFT January Teaser, Day Five!

It's hard to believe this is the last day of teasers for January, isn't it!? Today we're previewing WTG Let's Get Physical. But first:
  • The January Guest Designer Contest has ended and the winner will be announced at the release party.
  • The last teaser is today. Head on over to Kim's blog to see what the rest of the team has come up with for today's teasers. Every day there will be a prize hidden on two of the Creative Team's blog posts. Leaving a comment on every designer's blog post will give you the best chance of winning every day :) Today's winners will be announced at the release party.
  • The January Hop and Shop will begin at 10:00pm TONIGHT, with the hop also starting at Kim's Blog.
So, I'm jumping on the fitness journal bandwagon, LOL. There was no need for me to do it before because I knew I wouldn't do anything about it until the holidays were over. Unfortunately, I need to lose a few pounds. I usually track my weight loss on a Post-It pad but I decided I deserved a pretty book instead. Used my Bind-It-All for the first time to put together a little book with monthly calendars so I can see exactly how I'm doing, week to week. I stamped WTG on a Perfect Paper Panel with Memento Tuxedo Black ink and colored her with Copic markers. I thought the sentiment I used says it all, LOL! I need to SHAPE UP!! I need to get back to exercising, too. I like don't mind can make myself walk, LOL, so I'm telling myself WTG is walking, not running. Running is something I will not do, I know. I'm using the AWESOME new Rosette Die-namics die (accept the fact that you canNOT live without this die!). I'm using the 1/4" die but there's a 3/8" version, too, for a rosette with a taller profile. BOTH are going to be used a lot by me, I promise. I'm also using the two new smaller Rolled Rose Die-namics dies. Be still my heart. These are the most darling little things you have ever seen!!! And I'm using the new Dainty Doily Border Die-namics dies again on this project. I just love it! You'll also see I used the Notebook Edge die. I have a ton of punches that are very lonesome any more--my Die-namics dies are all I need and they take up so little space.

 Here's one of the pages on the inside. They're all pretty much alike so I'm only showing one. I'm using the Perfect Petal Trio and Flower Trio and Leaf Trio Die-namics dies for that. AND the wonderful downloadable calendar pages. They're perfect for this! Other MFT products I used are Sour Apple, Sno Cone, and Sweet Tooth card stock, and the Spring Button Collection.

And here are the Copic markers I used.

Thanks SO much for stopping by! Don't forget the release party tonight and then Hop and Shop!!

Stamps: WTG Let's Get Physical (MFT)
Paper: Sour Apple, Sno Cone, Sweet Tooth (MFT); Rose Red (SU!); Olivia and Basics White 6 x 6 pads (Basic Grey)
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black
Accessories: Cuttlebug (Provocraft); Mini Rolled Rose, Dainty Doily Border, 1/4" Rosette, Perfect Petal Trio, Notebook Edge, and Flower and Leaf Trio Die-namics dies, buttons (MFT); oval punch, round punch, ribbon (SU!); Bind-It-All (Zutter)


  1. A Walking journal is PERFECT.... Hey, you've seen those speed walkers right??? Just walk FAST like a duck Barbara!!!! You got to MOOOOVE IT!!!!!! :) HA! I HATE EXCERCISE...need to do it but refuse to cave!!!! LOL

    Love the great DP you used and the crookedy pages inside are fun!

  2. Love your idea of a book. Good luck on your walking.
    The dies are already on my list of things i need.

  3. such a pretty book. love the cover

  4. Oooh, I am so excited about the rosette die! I already have the rose die, but how did you get the different size roses? Is this a new die in a smaller scale? Thanks!

  5. Beautiful! I HAVE accepted the fact that i CANNOT live without that rosette die and a lot of other dies. I am going to be very broke come 10pm EST...

  6. Really great journal. You used so many of the new products. It's great to see them all. And yes, she looks like she's walking too, not just running.

  7. This is AMAZING Bar!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this!

  8. Great job. Love the designer paper and the layout. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wow...that's just gorgeous!! Love all those different dies you used - amazing!!

  10. This is amazing, love it. So pretty it would make me want to use it.

  11. This is SO much more fabulous than a post-it pad! LOL!!!

  12. Love it! Everything about it!! I didn't know that there's two different sized Rosette dies! Good to know! :)

  13. I love the two sizes and that you used all those items how fun..

  14. what a great idea! almost makes me feel like taking a walk!lol

  15. Totally the use of all the dies...can't wait to get my hands on some of these to play with...

  16. Fabulous, colorful card! Love it!

  17. I love all the wonderful colors, just gorgeous! :-)


Thank you for your kind comments--they make my day and I appreciate every one!