
Friday, October 24, 2014

Organization for Your Creative Space–Buttons and Ribbon


Hi, everyone, today we have another installment of Organization for Your Creative Space, where the MFT design team shows you our organization systems. This month the challenge is Buttons and Ribbon.

I’ll start with buttons. I love to see all my buttons being displayed: 1) they are pretty! and 2) they are at hand when I need them. To do that, I use these little squat 1/2 pint canning jars.


I like the little squat ones because they will stack and are just so CUTE! I keep them on these inexpensive lazy Susans and I can just twirl them around to find the color I need. I just love seeing them all twinkling in their jars! You’ll notice I have a few empty jars—I’m hoping some new colors will come along some day and if they do I’ll be ready :)


To continue the “pretty” theme, I use the white plastic tops that are available for canning jars. To label my buttons, I simply cut the printed name from the plastic bag when I get a new color and tape it to the top.


A jar will hold a whole bag of MFT buttons—as you can see, I’ve used quite a few of this color.

Jars are a really simple, easy, and attractive way to store your buttons, and jars are widely available most of the year any more.

For my MFT ribbons, I choose to wind them on mat board “bobbins”.


After I’ve wound my ribbon, I keep it wound with a tiny rubber band, then I snip the name from the band that comes around it and slip that under the rubber band.

I store them all in a drawer in a Sterlite container—any pieces that are usable go in the drawer, too, as well has new spools of hemp cord.


Here’s a side view of one of the bobbins, to try to show you how thick it is. I get it at Office Max, back in the presentation section. I have them cut the large sheets into quarters for me so I can then cut them smaller on my heavy duty paper cutter.


And there you have it: Organization for Your Creative Space – Buttons and Ribbon. Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope I’ve given you some ideas for simple and easy storage for your buttons and ribbon

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  1. Your buttons look so happy... Great storage idea! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Awesome love the little jars of buttons <3

  3. Love the button idea with the Lazy Susans, I'm diffently keeping that in mind as I go forward with my buttons. As for the ribbon tip I am here to say it's a great idea too because it's the same way I store my ribbon... How about that?
    I look forard to the "Organization for Your Creative Space" each month, Thanks!

  4. Gorgeous!
    God's blessings on your weekend,
    Sarah :)

  5. Great storage solutions. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Love your button storage! Great ideas. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Love your button storage too! :)


Thank you for your kind comments--they make my day and I appreciate every one!