
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stamping Around Ohio

You might have noticed the badge at the top of my right hand column -----> Yeah, the Stamping Around Ohio one? Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I'm teaching one of the classes! Yep, little ol' me! If you're in the area we'd love to have you join us. There are going to be some amazing stampers there teaching and so much fun making new friends and seeing old ones again. So, check it out and come join us!

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Barbara, Sure wish I could be in Ohio for any and all classes. I am in Northern NY State right near Cooperstown, Baseball Hall of Fame town. Everyone seems to know where that is. My little town no one seems to know, Fly Creek. LOL We only have a Joanns and Michaels 50 minutes away from us....not fun. Especially with gas prices. Yuck. Ty for a great blog. Just love coming in and seeing your GREAT creations. TY.


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